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donderdag, december 08, 2005

My sun

Hi Coen

What I am really pleased to hear that Jeroen is going to one of the most wonderful places on the earth!  We have just been back to NZ for a months holiday and it was just fantastic, Jeroen you will  love it, hope you are into adventure sports as us kiwis are crazy on it - should I have said that Coen!!

I have nieces around the same age as Jeroen - so will drop my sister a line to see if they want to give you the "low down" on NZ life for a teenager.

I will come to you on my nieces and even send some photos of NZ scenery to entice you to definitely go!

Shame I can't read Dutch as I would have like see the comments on NZ on your sons site.

Take care


Kath Koekemoer
*(Collega van m'n vader met wie ik nu contact heb)*