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zondag, januari 08, 2006

Heb lef...!


Courage is not the absence of fear. Rather the knowing what is important...


Anonymous Anoniem said...

Courage is not the absence of fear. Rather the knowing what is important.. and knowing which is more important.

Does the base of your courage lie in the fact that you must be courageous, or is it just that you want to be courageous?

Leaving your friends and all you've got at home doesn't have the slightest thing to do with courage..

You're probably in doubt right now. Turning off one's conscience and freezing one's heart is rather stressfull, you'll bear that with you 12 months.

There's nothing courageous about going to New Zealand for a year. 90 percent of the time you'll be sitting in some boring classroom, learning stuff you already know.

Trust me, I've been there.
You'll lose track of a lot of people of whom you now think that you mean a lot to 'em.


woensdag, januari 25, 2006 8:46:00 a.m.  
Blogger Jeroen Wilms said...

Yet then is there courage in staying home to bare one's others consience? You sure need courage to break one's heart whilest not wanting to. Now don't go telling me that it's my own choice. That I know. Don't tell me to stay here 'cause that I won't. You seem to know all of it already. Now let me ask you... Have you been there once? Have you ever really traveled long distance. Have you ever seeked the adventure much as I do? You think to know most of all. And yet you are right. You have traveled long distance and you always seek the adventure as much as I do. So maybe I'll listen to you, maybe not. You could be a real pain in the ass or you could be my best-friend. You chose.

woensdag, januari 25, 2006 9:24:00 a.m.  

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