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zaterdag, januari 28, 2006

Rules (they drive me crazy)


Long Term Programme Rules and Guidelins:
NZIIU and its sponsor organisations

These rules pertain to all students participating in NZIIU Exchange Programme. Read carefully and sign your name to confirm that you understand and agree to comply with these rules.

• Students must abide by the laws of the host country and native country

• Student must only use drugs prescribed by a doctor. (This includes all hallucinogenic drug)

• Any student engaging in sexual intercourse will be instantly dismissed from the programme.

• If withdrawn, excluded or dismissed from school due to lack of attendance or for disciplinay reasons, the student will be dismissed from the programme.

• Any student downloading pornographic images from the internet will be dismissed from the programme.

Any breach of the above rules will result in immediate dismissal from the programme and will result in termination of your visa.

• No drinking of alcoholic drinks. The only exception will be in the host family and with their permission.

• Students must always be aware of their responsibilities as an exchange student and make a determined effort in their school, host family and host community.

• Students must abbide by the rules of the host school.

• Students must attend school daily, unless ill, and complete all homework and assignments.

• Students must maintain a "C Grade" average.

• Students are not permitted to visit pornographic shops, adult theatres, or drinking establishments.

• Students are not permitted to get any tattoo(s) during their stay.

• Students are not permitted to participate in parachute jumping, bungee jumping or any other dangerous activities.

• Students must show respect for their host families and act as a member of the family.

• Students must obey the host family rules. This includes obtaining approval from the host familyj for all activities. A host family must know at all times, where the student is, with whom and when he/she will return.

• Students are expected to voluntarily help with household chores.

• Students will not discuss their host family's private affairs with others.

• Students cannot change host families at will. Schools cannot be changed.

• Students are not permitted to travel without travel approval documentation.

• Students must show respect for their Regional Homestay Manager (RHM) and obey their instructions.

• Students are not permitted to hitchhike.

• Students must not take paid employment.

• Smoking is prohibited on any NZIIU programme.

• Students are not permitted to be a passenger on a motorcycle.

• No student may enter into any contractual agreement, be it business, marital or religious.

• Parents and friends may not visit the student during the programme and may not disturb the host family life. Visits from the natural family are only permitted at the conclusion of the exchangej programme.

Any continous failure to abide by the above rules may result in dismissal from the programme and termination of the students visa.

Authority has been granted NZIIU, its partners and the host family to act on the student's behalf in any emergency, accident or illness. Permission had been granted also to have the student examined and treated at an appropriate medical facility and to make necessary referrals to outside physicians and the facilities as indicated. Parents of the student have agreed to release information regarding their child's health to any individuals designated by NZIIU, it's partners and/or representatives. This covers the period from the time the student boards transportation scheduled at the commencement of the programme until the end of the programme.

Parents will be consulted on any major problems, but final dicisions with regard to dismissal of a student from the NZIIU Programme will be made by NZIIU. Parents must uphold this decision. NZIIU will contact parents should any problems arise or any permission requested.

I understand all the conditions of participation in the NZIIU high school academic programme and I agree that if I break these conditions I am liable to be sent back to my home country at my (my parents') expense and without any refund of the programme fee.

Signed - Student

Signed - Natural Family

Signed - Affiliate Organisation


Anonymous Anoniem said...

Ga vooral maar pornographic images van internet downloaden:P dan moet je terug komen hihi
^_^ Maar best wel veel regels eigenlijk...

zaterdag, januari 28, 2006 11:24:00 a.m.  
Anonymous Anoniem said...

"Parents and friends may not visit the student during the programme and may not disturb the host family life. Visits from the natural family are only permitted at the conclusion of the exchangej programme. "
Die is wel matig.. Je oduers gingen toch ws met kerst? stiekem:D?

zaterdag, januari 28, 2006 11:26:00 a.m.  
Blogger Sven said...

Ja je ouders mogen niet. Vervelend is dat, maar wel logisch.

Dat stukje over alcohol bevalt me niet zo. Hoewel er weer wel bij staat dat het thuis wel mag, en "met toestemming van het gastgezin." Als je dus bij alcholisten in huis komt moet dat geen probleem zijn.

zondag, januari 29, 2006 12:42:00 p.m.  
Blogger Jeroen Wilms said...

Ja misschien wel maar ik zie de logica nog niet helemaal.

Ach ja AA zullen we dan maar zeggen. (A):P

En die porno plaatjes maak ik me niet zo'n zorgen om hoor...:D Maar jij kan ze me natuurlijk altijd mailen.:P(A)

maandag, januari 30, 2006 1:11:00 a.m.  

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