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donderdag, juli 06, 2006

Hello from NZ

Hi Jeroen,
I have received the information on you today, you sound like a typical teenager.You look tall in your picture but that's okay my son Alex also towers over me. I will send you some photos so you can see what an odd lot we are. You arrive on Friday the 14th and on the Saturday we are going to have a lunch for my sister and my brother in laws birthdays. So you will get to meet the whole family which will be great but be warned they all talk a lot. Phil and I have already talked about getting you to the beach as often as we can as you are really fond of water but at the moment it is cold so not that ideal. Do not be nervous we will do our best to make sure you have a good time during your stay with us. I had a look at your weblog its great. You will start school here on the Monday but I will go with you and introduce you to the principal and check out if you have to wear a uniform, I think you don't but it is best to check.
Looking forward to meeting you Anne & Phil


Anonymous Anoniem said...

Ahh wat lief! ze klinken echt ontzettend aardig in ieder geval, dat is mooi :P

vrijdag, juli 07, 2006 4:34:00 a.m.  
Anonymous Anoniem said...

ik ben de 1000ste bezoeker op je site :D

vrijdag, juli 07, 2006 7:06:00 a.m.  

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