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woensdag, juli 05, 2006

Saying hello

Hey Anne (and the rest of your family),

How are you? Everything alright down there? :) I'm doing great myself. I'm getting more nervous every day. So do my parents and all my friends around here. But I know it'll be great over there.

I've finally recieved the additional information about your host-family life. The profile sort of thing. But there was one thing missing to my idea. So I want to ask to you about it straight away. Do you have any pictures of your family, house, neighbourhood, etc. I would be pleased with some. Just to get an idea of how it'll be.

Another question I want to ask is if you have already received some information about my stay at your family. About me, like a profile or something like that. And about my journey and arrival and other important information.

Whilst I'm writing this, I'm am thinking of how nervous you also must be. Because it's a just as big surprise for you as it is for me. Except that you have had this sometime before.

I'm really looking forward to meeting you, and my stay at your family.

Yours faithfully,

Jeroen Wilms

P.S. You might have a look on my weblog: www.jeroen-nieuwzeeland.com
It's nearly all in dutch, but you might want to get an idea of how I'm working on it. And there are some little things in English.