Jeroen in Nieuw Zeeland
..., a new country.

Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.

Dagen Uren Minuten Seconden
Als de afteller het niet doet even op F5 drukken of vernieuwen.

dinsdag, oktober 25, 2005

Bevesting Informatiebijeenkomst

Jeroen Wilms
Dorpsstraat 1
2715 DT Zoetermeer

Venray, 24 oktober 2005

Beste Jeroen,

Get ready for take off! Je hebt je aangemeld voor onze informatiebijeenkomst op zaterdag 5 november 2005 in het Park Plaza Hotel in Utrecht. Bijgevoegd vind je jouw persoonlijke 'boardingpass'; je toegangsbewijs tot een wereld vol informatie over ons High School programma. Vergeet niet deze 'boardingpass' mee te nemen.

We verwachten je voor de presentatie op zaterdag 5 november in het Park Plaza Hotel in Utrecht om 10.45 uur. De presentatie start om 11.00 uur. Het kan erg druk zijn in het centrum van Utrecht en daarom adviseren wij je om op tijd te vertrekken.

Tijdens je presentatie krijg je volop informatie over ons High School programma, onder andere over je vakkenpakket, het leven in een gastgezin, buitenschoolse activiteiten, de verzekering en nog veel meer waardevolle informatie. Nadat wij je wat uitgebreider hebben voorgelicht over onze mogelijkheden, heb je alle tijd om je specifieke vragen te stellen aan medewerkers van Travel Active en om de enthousiaste ervaringen te horen van onze oud-studenten. Het team van Travel Active helpt je graag bij de voorbereidingen voor jouw reis.

Maak je dromen waar!
Mocht je deel willen nemen aan ons programma, dan kun je je al tijdens de bijeenkomst aanmelden. Wij informeren je gelijk over de exacte procedure vanaf de aanmelding tot vertrek. Mocht je nog vragen hebben, neem dan gerust contact met ons op. Onze gegevens vind je bovenaan de brief.

Tot ziens op zaterdag 5 november!

Met vriendelijke groet,

Maike Peeters
Marketing & Communicatie

zaterdag, oktober 15, 2005

NHTV Resume

Previous Education:

  • Group 1-2 Primary school (De Tjalk, Zoetermeer, Netherlands)
  • Year 1-2 Infant School (Berkeley Infant School, Scunthorpe, England)
  • Year 3 Junior School (Berkeley Junior School, Scunthorpe, England)
  • Group 5 – 8 Primary school (De Tjalk, Zoetermeer, Netherlands)
  • Year 1-2 Gymnasium (Stedelijk College Zoetermeer, Zoetermeer, Netherlands)
  • Year 3 Atheneum (Stedelijk College Zoetermeer, Zoetermeer, Netherlands)
  • Year 4-5 Havo (Stedelijk College Zoetermeer, Zoetermeer, Netherlands)
  • Year 12/13 High School (Ngaruawahia High School, Ngaruawahia, New Zealand)

Courses and Marks:

  • Havo School Certificate (Netherlands)
  • Food and Safety NCEA Level 2 (New Zealand)
  • Alcohol & Beverages NCEA Level 2 (New Zealand)

Previous Experiences:

  • Living in England for 3 years where I went to a regular English school. Here I learnt to speak fluently English.
  • Being a boy scout for 9 years.
  • Doing Year 12/13 at a New Zealand High School as an exchange student for 1 year.
  • Being involved in the Technical Facilities Group at Stedelijk College Zoetermeer for 4 years. 2 years of which I was head of the group. This meant being responsible for the equipment and organizing every event: Open Days; Art Days; Open Stage events; and occasional presentations. [Recensie]
  • 5 years of school-plays (1 Sound, 2 Light, 2 Stage Manager)
  • Flyway, a company for light rental with my friend. We rent out lights and do a little drive-in service. [Recensie]
  • The Rollicking adventures of Sue Narmi: a theatre production in New Zealand with Hamilton Operatics Society. [Recensie]
  • Designing & maintaining 3 websites:
  • Being a supervisor on holiday programs/camps.


  • Theatre
  • Photography
  • Music
  • Playing the piano and guitar
  • Travelling
  • Philosophising
  • Researching
  • Ballroom dancing
  • Swimming
  • Surfing
  • Sailing
  • Working with children

NHTV Application Letter

My Motivation Is To Motivate

Throw your dreams into space like a kite and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country…

- Old Chinese proverb

Since a long time I have been willing to become some sort of manager. Somebody that organises, leads, motivates and achieves. Throughout my life I have found that these four actions are things that I can be very good at. Sometimes I might need a bit of a push in the right direction. But once I get going they’ll have a hard job stopping me. I can be very passionate and devoted to the things I do. These are good characteristics, although it used to sometimes work against me when I have a certain perspective of my passion and I narrow my view to my own perspective.

In my social life as well as my work life I am mostly the organiser. In my social life this would be mostly with trips to friends to organising parties for friends. In my semi-work life this ranges from helping to produce school plays, open performance evenings and general open evenings, to being the coordinator of other workers in employment situations to co-organise camps for children.

And finally in my work life this concludes the company me and a friend started last year. Flyway is just a little company for lighting rental and a little drive in show for parties such as weddings, kids birthdays etc.

I love working with children, especially young teenagers. Generally known teenagers can be hard to motivate (looking back at myself not long ago). This is where a challenge lays for me. My years with the boy scouts have taught me that you have to have a place that motivates you and is also an outlet. You can steer people just a little way and help them on their path. Sending these people of with a little push and seeing them return with a lot of awesome experience makes a lot of trouble worthwhile. That’s what motivates me. Besides it also makes me appreciate the little pushes I had in life (I am still a ‘kid’ with still a lot to come but nevertheless).

As I mentioned earlier I have helped producing with school plays. I have fulfilled different roles backstage. Being a stagehand, stage manager, light technician, sound technician and even producer have been awesome experiences. On the open performance evenings I have been on stage playing piano in duets with various singers. That has been great to actually experience moving an audience with my performance. The applause afterwards is the goal for those few moments.

I like to set my goals high. It gives me something to work for and it feels great when I actually achieve them. Especially the last year has been a very high goal: going to New Zealand for a year as an exchange student. The proverb at the beginning of this letter describes it. My exchange is precisely that. It has taught me to always keep my view wide-open in every aspect of my life. I do everything that comes on my path and listen to other people’s ideas.

I’ve been brought up with a travel bug. When I was young I lived in England where I learnt my English. It has given me a great international perspective. For my international adventure in New Zealand I created a website: Next to this online web log I have redesigned my New Zealand school’s website:

Since the 2nd year in high school I have been thinking of doing this course. It has been a goal for me in the past few years. So when the opportunity here in New Zealand came to work in a theatre I grabbed it with both hands. I was stagehand and follow spotter in a 2 month production called The Rollicking Adventures of Sue Narmi. The main reason to do this was to create a window to International Media & Entertainment Management but first of all to experience the cultural difference in such an abstract area of arts.

The theatre is the area of all arts I love most. I love the way all arts can come together. The way all different arts can form one play. You can dance and sing, with an awesome painting being your backdrop, whilst at the same time being interactive with the public for some ad-lib stand-up comedy. It fascinates me how people tell and show their view of life through their performance on stage.

After having done my bachelor degree in International Media & Entertainment Management I would like to become a theatre producer. It would be even better if it could be with children. Children that don’t have such a nice live as I have and to give them chances. Theatre is an outlet for everybody that participates, views and most of all enjoys it.

With this motivation I hope to have given a view of who I am, what I like and what I would like to achieve. But most of all, what motivates me to enrol to the International Media & Entertainment Management course at your tertiary education institute.

Sincerely yours,

Jeroen Wilms


vrijdag, oktober 14, 2005

Ontmoet Travel Active!

Travel Active Informatiebijeenkomsten
Wanneer je na het lezen van informatie over het High School programma nog boordevol vragen zit, dan is deze dag het moment om een antwoord te krijgen op al je vragen. Op deze dag maak je kennis met Travel Active, is er een presentatie en zullen al je vragen worden beantwoord door Travel Active medewerkers en oud-deelnemers. Wij helpen je graag verder met al je plannen voor 2006. Aan het bijwonen van deze bijeenkomst zijn geen kosten verbonden.

Tijdens deze bijeenkomst wordt het High School programma uitgebreid gepresenteerd. Naast informatie over diverse landen, wordt er tevens aandacht geschonken aan het wonen in een gastgezin, het leven in een andere cultuur, je vakkenpakket en de regels en gewoontes op een buitenlandse school. Ook komen je ouders alles te weten over kosten en de persoonlijke begeleiding van Travel Active.

Uiteraard krijg je volop de gelegenheid om vragen te stellen en te praten met oud-studenten. Op deze bijeenkomsten kun je je ook aanmelden voor het programma, zodat we meteen voor je aan de slag kunnen gaan. Wie weet zit jij het schooljaar 2006/2007 in heel andere schoolbanken!

maandag, oktober 03, 2005

Ik in overpeinzing over mijn bevlieging...

zondag, oktober 02, 2005

Nieuw Zeeland

Zoals je weet heb ik al een tijdje het fantastische idee om volgend jaar in plaats van te gaan studeren een jaar high school te gaan doen.
Op deze blog wil ik jullie laten zien hoe het daarmee staat... Als het doorgaat zal ik ook in Nieuw-Zeeland hierop dingen regelmatig gaan posten: foto's, berichtjes, belevenissen, noem maar op.

In tussentijd zal ik allemaal informatie en plaatjes uit mijn onderzoek hier posten.
Ik hoop dat je het leuk vind. In ieder geval kan ik zo iedereen laten zien wat ik wil gaan doen. Want waarschijnlijk hebben je me er wel over horen praten maar heb je er totaal geen echt beeld bij. Dus bij deze hoop ik dat wat beter te laten zien...