Jeroen in Nieuw Zeeland
..., a new country.

Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.

Dagen Uren Minuten Seconden
Als de afteller het niet doet even op F5 drukken of vernieuwen.

dinsdag, januari 31, 2006



Ik heb m'n papieren opgestuurd...!!! Wat dus inhoudt dat het definitief word.
6 Februari heb ik nog een interview in Venray bij het kantoor van
Travel Active.

maandag, januari 30, 2006

Eindelijk klaar!!!

met mijn profiel samen stellen en het afmaken van mijn autobiography.
Beide gevallen moesten in het engels. Het heeft me verdomd veel tijd gekost. Maar het is toch zover gekomen. Inclusief foto's.

Tarzan, Two Worlds One Family

Tarzan van Phil Collins.
Ik vind dit liedje heel mooi het gevoel beschrijven dat ik wel ken van mijn keuze om naar Nieuw Zeeland te gaan. Namelijk het gevoel om 2 dingen te willen. En dadelijk behoor ik tot 2 werelden maar ergens ook 1 familie (eigenlijk 1 wereld en 2 families natuurlijk, maar toch beschrijft dit liedje dat heel mooi).

Put your faith in what you most believe in
Two worlds, one family
Trust your heart
Let fate decide
To guide these lies we see

A paradise untouched by man
Within this worlds blessed with love
A simple life, they live in peace

Softly tread the sand below your feet now
Two worlds, one family
Trust your heart
Let fate decide
To guide these lives we see

Beneath the shelter of the trees
Only love can enter here
A simple life, they live in peace

Raise your head up
Lift high the load
Take strength from those that need you
Build high the walls
Build strong the beams
A new life is waiting
But danger's no stranger here

No words describe a mother's tears
No words can heal a broken heart
A dream is gone, but where there's hope

Somewhere something is calling for you
Two worlds, one family
Trust your heart
Let fate decide
To guide these lives we see

Verhaal? Boekwerk zul je bedoelen!

Vandaag moet m'n uiteindelijke verhaal af zijn...
Dat gaat wel lukken hoor, maar vraag niet hoe. Vijf kantjes over je hele leven, je interesses, je huis, familie, vrienden, je karakter en al je andere eigen dingen schrijven is echt niet makkelijk. Het is een verdomde uitdaging. Maar het zal wel een gigantische opluchting zijn als al dat gedoe eindelijk voorbij is. Na al die papieren:
• eersttravel active folders, flyers, enz
• daarna m'n aanmelding voor de open dag
• de open dag zelf waar je allerlei papier kreeg
• dan de inschrijving voor het programma
• nu de aanmelding voor het programma
• dadelijk nog visumpapieren, verzekeringen, en nog veel meer papieren.
Ik had er een map voor gemaakt maar die begint inmiddels al aardig uit te puilen.

Morgen is het dus zo goed als definitief beslist dat ik toch echt daadwerkelijk ga!

Two pictures describe more than 2000 words.

Zonsondergang bij de rotsenWijnland Nieuw Zeeland

zaterdag, januari 28, 2006

Rules (they drive me crazy) II

Dit zijn dus de regeltjes waarin ik me allemaal moet gaan houden in Nieuw Zeeland. Het zijn er wel heel erg veel. Er zitten er bepaalde tussen die ik wat minder vind. Sommige zijn heel oppervlakkig. Maar er zitten er ook bij waar ik toch wel duidelijk de smoor in heb.

Maarja, voor wat hoort wat!

Rules (they drive me crazy)


Long Term Programme Rules and Guidelins:
NZIIU and its sponsor organisations

These rules pertain to all students participating in NZIIU Exchange Programme. Read carefully and sign your name to confirm that you understand and agree to comply with these rules.

• Students must abide by the laws of the host country and native country

• Student must only use drugs prescribed by a doctor. (This includes all hallucinogenic drug)

• Any student engaging in sexual intercourse will be instantly dismissed from the programme.

• If withdrawn, excluded or dismissed from school due to lack of attendance or for disciplinay reasons, the student will be dismissed from the programme.

• Any student downloading pornographic images from the internet will be dismissed from the programme.

Any breach of the above rules will result in immediate dismissal from the programme and will result in termination of your visa.

• No drinking of alcoholic drinks. The only exception will be in the host family and with their permission.

• Students must always be aware of their responsibilities as an exchange student and make a determined effort in their school, host family and host community.

• Students must abbide by the rules of the host school.

• Students must attend school daily, unless ill, and complete all homework and assignments.

• Students must maintain a "C Grade" average.

• Students are not permitted to visit pornographic shops, adult theatres, or drinking establishments.

• Students are not permitted to get any tattoo(s) during their stay.

• Students are not permitted to participate in parachute jumping, bungee jumping or any other dangerous activities.

• Students must show respect for their host families and act as a member of the family.

• Students must obey the host family rules. This includes obtaining approval from the host familyj for all activities. A host family must know at all times, where the student is, with whom and when he/she will return.

• Students are expected to voluntarily help with household chores.

• Students will not discuss their host family's private affairs with others.

• Students cannot change host families at will. Schools cannot be changed.

• Students are not permitted to travel without travel approval documentation.

• Students must show respect for their Regional Homestay Manager (RHM) and obey their instructions.

• Students are not permitted to hitchhike.

• Students must not take paid employment.

• Smoking is prohibited on any NZIIU programme.

• Students are not permitted to be a passenger on a motorcycle.

• No student may enter into any contractual agreement, be it business, marital or religious.

• Parents and friends may not visit the student during the programme and may not disturb the host family life. Visits from the natural family are only permitted at the conclusion of the exchangej programme.

Any continous failure to abide by the above rules may result in dismissal from the programme and termination of the students visa.

Authority has been granted NZIIU, its partners and the host family to act on the student's behalf in any emergency, accident or illness. Permission had been granted also to have the student examined and treated at an appropriate medical facility and to make necessary referrals to outside physicians and the facilities as indicated. Parents of the student have agreed to release information regarding their child's health to any individuals designated by NZIIU, it's partners and/or representatives. This covers the period from the time the student boards transportation scheduled at the commencement of the programme until the end of the programme.

Parents will be consulted on any major problems, but final dicisions with regard to dismissal of a student from the NZIIU Programme will be made by NZIIU. Parents must uphold this decision. NZIIU will contact parents should any problems arise or any permission requested.

I understand all the conditions of participation in the NZIIU high school academic programme and I agree that if I break these conditions I am liable to be sent back to my home country at my (my parents') expense and without any refund of the programme fee.

Signed - Student

Signed - Natural Family

Signed - Affiliate Organisation

vrijdag, januari 27, 2006


Travel Active is een Nederlandse uitwisselingsorganisatie die in tegenstelling tot andere organisaties niet in het buitenland actief is. Travel Active heeft in buitenland wel partnerorganisaties die voor de uitwisselingsstudenten de reis en het verdere gebeuren in het buitenland regelen. De organisatie die mijn buitenlandse reis lokaal regelt is NZIIU.

Are you...?
• outgoing
• positive
• friendly
• independent
• self-motivated

So…. what will I gain on my student exchange?
• You'll learn independence & maturity
• You'll adapt to a whole new culture
• You'll discover a new country & see amazing sights
• You'll experience a foreign language in action
• You'll share day-to-day life with your host family
• You'll collect a lifetime of memories

Requirements to be an exchange student:
• Between 15 & 18 years old at the time of your exchange
• Attend high school (you can apply in Year 13 for some programmes)
• Have an average academic ability
• Have parental/guardian support
• Have a passion for a foreign language and/or culture
• Be positive in attitude & willing to learn

woensdag, januari 25, 2006


Palm PanoramaEn weer is het een tijd geleden dat ik zelf echt wat heb geschreven hier.
Inmiddels is praktisch iedereen uit mijn omgeving op de hoogte van mijn gekke actie: familie, vrieden, vriendin, baas, collega's, techniekmaatjes, kennissen, en alle anderen.

6 februari aanstaande heb ik een interview in Venray (limburg) met de medewerkers van Travel active over mijn jaar naar nieuw zeeland en over mijn motivatie ed.
Voor die tijd (30 januari) moet ik mijn hele aanmeldingspakket opgestuurd hebben naar Travel active zodat zij deze kunnen nakijken en zodat zij alvast een globale indruk hebben voor het interview. Dat aanmeldingspakket is trouwens echt nog een hoop werk en heel erg irritant. Je moet bepaalde dingen zoals je naam en geboortedatum wel 20x invullen en daarnaast alles wat je weet over jezelf invullen. Het gaat zover zelfs dat je moet invullen welke dag je welke ziekte hebt gehad... Onzin maarja.

Ik moet voor dat ik weg ga ook al m'n hele portefolio hebben gemaakt voor m'n vervolgopleiding. Dit is ook niet iets voor tussendoor.

Als jullie nog vragen hebben dan post je ze maar ergens als comment.
Ik zal ze dan zo snel mogelijk beantwoorden.

Veel leesplezier,


Hurry Up And Wait

we wait to wake to get a ride in the rain
buy a ticket they can check we can claim
so we don't spend what's our own

for a seat a place to stop a green light
a red cross run around naked
doing old things like the ones before

for a break so you can take a little
something that'll make your next break
come a little quicker than the ones before

for an answer spy a sweet dancer as
she walks from the door of the hall
wish you waited for your wedding vows

so hurry up and wait
but what's worth waiting for?
so hurry up and wait
but what's worth waiting for?

we wait to get warm the car starts from
cold stall to make a first move magazines
made the rules to make us lose

for your dream man the house you could both
plan the car in the sales ad the wet dream
with the man you wish that you had

so hurry up and wait
but what's worth waiting for?
so hurry up and wait
but what's worth waiting for?

a watched pot never boils sugars seconds
to dissolve feel your appetite lost foods
relevance is lost inside

we wait to get there
and when we get there
we wait around for anyone
to tell us what we
even got there for

so hurry up and wait
but what's worth waiting for?
so hurry up and wait
but what's worth waiting for?

what's worth waiting for?
what's worth waiting for?
what's worth waiting for?
what's worth waiting for?

so join the queue me and you
wait in line it takes our
time to be satisfied

I Hope You Don't Mind

Artist: Elton John
Song: Hope You Mind

My gift is my song... and this one's for you
And you can tell everybody that this is your song
It may be quite simple, but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words...
How wonderful life is, now you're in the world

I sat on the roof and I kicked off the moss
Well some of these verses, well they,
they've got me quite cross
But the sun's been kind while I wrote this song
It's for people like you that keep it turned on

So excuse me forgetting, but these things I do
You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue
Anyway, the thing is, what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes, I've ever seen

And you can tell everybody that this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is, now you're in the world
I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is, now you're in the world

Iedereen verandert

Everybody Changes Underwater Lyrics

MP3 Downloads

Send Dannii Minogue polyphonic ringtone to your cell phone

It's dark and silent
Where am I?
Love surrounds my body
My eyes are closed, but I see
Colours have soothed the soul
Moving as part of this world
Taking it to ...floor
Diving deeper, backened by dolphins
They appear and dance around me
Brushing against my skin, tickling
I swim closer, speaking of thoughts ...are friendly
Where I stand
It's safe beneath the waves

Is this real
Is this real

Everybody changes (everybody changes) underwater
Everybody changes (everybody changes) underwater
Everybody changes (everybody changes) underwater

I come up for air
I just want to prove everything is new ...seems to cool
And fill the water to a garden
Fruit ...from the trees
I reach up and take it
It's ripe, soft, and sweet
I feel there's a long grass
I run my fingers through the blades
Umm...feel inside me
I lie back closing my eyes
The song soothes me
I begin to float, floating higher and higher
Higher and higher


There's now darkness
Looking down, the world is ...
If I fall, no one will catch me
Space, everywhere I once and ...all
Floating in the small part of the endless universe
I feel glowing starts, Poseidon and ...
Someone to ...
A finding light appears
So it's a life I recognize
You reach out your hands
And welcome me like angels

(Close your eyes, drift away...)

Is this real?
Is this real?

dinsdag, januari 24, 2006





donderdag, januari 19, 2006

Maori: taakstraf na kopstoot

AD Haagsche Courant 17 januari 2006

Nieuw Zeeland - Een Maori die tijdens een traditionele welkomst-ceremonie in Nieuw-Zeeland een Nederlandse toerist een kopstoot gaf en daarbij diens neus brak, krijgt een taakstraf van 150 uur. Richard Minarapa Mitai-Ngatai (40) deelde de kopstoot uit aan Johannes Scheffers toen zij de neuzen tegen elkaar wreven. De Maori dacht dat Scheffers hem uitlachte. De toerist had echter slechte 'nerveus' gegrijnsd.(AP)

zondag, januari 08, 2006

Heb lef...!


Courage is not the absence of fear. Rather the knowing what is important...


Om een beetje een indruk te krijgen van wat misschien mijn tijdelijke "thuisomgeving" kun je hier wat rondkijken. Nieuw Zeeland heeft natuurlijk veel verschillende landschappen. Ik kan dus tussen de bergen zitten, maar ook heerlijk op een palmstrand. Dus niks is zeker tot ik weet waar mijn gastgezin is.