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dinsdag, september 19, 2006

Forzie goes out four a walk. . .

Hollands bloed kent gekke maar hele leuke invloeden...
18 September 2006 in Waikato Times

Te Uku's four-legged chicken has solved its own conundrum.

For Marlene Dickey's Barnevelder chick it's not about whether the chicken or the egg came first, it's which leg comes first.

The Te Uku chicken breeder first thought the chick used only the two normal-sized back legs to get around on. But at two weeks old the bird is putting on weight and using all four legs.

The chick, named Forzie, has attracted international media attention.

Mrs Dickey says it relies mainly on its bigger rear legs and is getting more co-ordinated all the time.

"He uses most of them, he's figured out he's got a few extras, and uses the little ones almost like a counterweight –- it's quite hard case," she said.


Anonymous Anoniem said...

heey , dat beest lijkt nu juist veel kloppender, tenslotte hebben de meeste dingen vier poten toch:D
met vleugels kan je tenslotte niet lopen!
veel plezier knul!

woensdag, september 27, 2006 4:36:00 a.m.  

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